Digital Advertising Cost
Ad Option | Rates | Place Ads |
Video | ₹ 0.03 - ₹ 5,50,000 | Book Now |
Banner | ₹ 0.028 - ₹ 70 | Book Now |
Store Visit Campaign | ₹ 0.11 - ₹ 0.11 | Book Now |
Audio | ₹ 0.28 - ₹ 0.28 | Book Now |
Article | ₹ 88,000 - ₹ 5,50,000 | Book Now |
About Digital Advertising
Online Marketing has made itspresence felt in India during last few years. Last year, digitalmedia grew about 29.4%. This increase can be attributed to a numberof factors.
India is now the 2ndlargest smartphone market based on the number of shipments
India has reached a telecomsubscriber base of 1.19 Billion
3G & 4G constitute over 75%of the overall wireless internet user base
Data charges have fellsignificantly to INR 4-6 per GB
Massive increase in dataconsumption ~3.9 GB per month per smartphone
The urban-rural gap in terms ofuser base is decreasing rapidly
Payments have gone digital withmobile wallets like PayTM, Mobikwik and BHIM, UPI entrants likeGoogle Tez, Payment Gateways such as CCAvenue and Citrus Pay
250 Million people viewedvideos online in 2017, a 64% jump
Digital Ad spend contributed17% of total Ad spend in India in 2017
(Source: Reimagining India’s M&ESector, FICCI-EY report 2018)
The abovementioned facts prove thatonline marketing is the future of marketing and advertising.
Advantages of Digital Advertising in India
Internet marketing comes with thefollowing advantages that are worth considering:
Suitable for low budgetcampaigns: There is no minimum spend limit for online marketing sodigital marketing cost in India can be as low as INR 1000 also
Measurable ROI: One can trackthe performance of the online marketing campaigns and compare theresults and ROI.
Easy to control: One cancontrol the inputs of the internet marketing campaign by monitoringthe campaign performance in real time and pause or stop it wheneverrequired.
Precise Targeting: One cantarget the desired customer group as per the digital advertisingrequirements like demographics, interest, expenditure etc.
Global Reach: The reach ofdigital advertising is not necessarily restricted to the city, stateor nation.
Greater Engagement: Internetmarketing provides the advertiser an opportunity to converse withthe audience and it does not remain a one way communication only. Anonline marketing campaign is successful when a customer interactswith the advertisement
Digital Advertising: Basic terminologies to helpyou book your online marketing campaign with digital marketing agency
Impressions:Impression refers to how many times a user have been exposed to youronline advertisement. For example, if your ad has been seen by auser 5 times, it is equal to 5 impressions.
CTR or ClickThrough Rate: This is a ratio which tells the advertiser out ofthe total number of impressions of the ad, how many times did theuser clicked on the ad to visit the landing page.. For example, anad was shown to 100 people and 5 people clicked on the ad so the CTRis 5%
Conversion: Onsetting up an online campaign, the advertiser has to define the goalexpected from the user like website visit, filling up a lead form,downloading an app. whenever this goal is achieved, it is known as aconversion.
Call ToAction: Online advertising campaigns require the audience tointeract with the ad by taking some actions. This link which helpsthe user to take action is known as call to action. For example,book now; request a quote, join now, sign up for newsletters etc.
Frequency Capping: Thisis a feature in online advertising where the advertiser can limitthe maximum number of times a user can view a particular ad
Geo Targeting: Geotargeting refers to targeting the audience in particular locations,for example, all tier 1 cities in India
Audience Targeting: Audiencetargeting can be done based on gender, age, income, interests etc.The criteria would vary platform wise.
Digital Advertising Options
Your Digital Marketing Agency wouldprovide you with the following options for running an onlinemarketing campaign:
Text Ads: On platformslike Google Search and Quora, advertisers place text ads that areshown to users when they search using relevant keywords
Banner Ads: These adsmostly contain images and texts and are mostly clickable with a callto action button.
Interstitial- Interstitialads cover the entire screen
Leader board- These arerectangular ads seen at the top of the website and are the firstads to appear
Run-On-Site- Run onsite ads can be placed randomly on any page of a website
Mid Page Unit (MPU)- Bannerad placed in the middle of the page
Audio Ads: These areaudio advertisements similar to radio jingles that can be played ononline music sites like Gaana, Wynk and Saavn. They can also beaccompanied by banner ads.
Video Ads: These arevideo advertisements similar to TV Commercials that can be played ononline sites like Hotstar, Voot and You Tube. They can also beaccompanied by banner ads.
Emailer/SMS: These areemailer/SMS campaigns based on databases provided by the digitalmarketing agency. For example, database of car owners in Bangalore.
Influencer Marketing:Influencers are people with huge followings on social mediaplatforms. Endorsement from these influencers can prove to be veryvaluable for the brands.
Digital Advertising Cost and Rate Card
Digital Advertising rates vary fromplatforms to platforms based on a number of criteria. Some of theplatforms that allow the advertisers to setup their advertisements ontheir own, also known as self-serve platforms like Google, Facebookand LinkedIn, provide you with options of pricing (CPC, CPM). Thedigital advertising cost incurred by the advertiser in this casewould also depend on the target group, ad quality and otheradvertisers competing for the same keywords/audience. Apart fromthese self-serve platforms, there are websites that allowadvertisement on their websites (in CPM and CPC format, varies siteto site) in form of banners, video ads and audio ads too. Followingare the various digital advertising pricing models that can beoffered by your digital marketing agency:
CPM or Costper Thousand Impressions: This is one of the important digitalmarketing cost terms that you would have to opt for digitaladvertising. CPM means Cost per Mille, the cost of one thousandimpressions of the ad.
CPC or CostPer Click: Another popular digital marketing cost term, Cost perClick refers to cost advertisers have to pay when someone clicks onthe advertisement.
CPL or Cost per Lead/CPA orCost per Acquisition: CPL or CPA is another digital marketingpricing model where an advertiser pays only when a leadgeneration/conversion happens.
CPI or Cost per Install:Cost per Install is an online marketing pricing model that isapplicable only for app download. This is the price that theadvertiser has to pay for each app download.
Apart from the abovementionedpopular options, there are premium options also available like paidarticle and influencer content that are priced higher than thepopular options.
Top Websites for Digital Advertising in India
According to Alexa Rankings (Aglobal website ranking system based on a website's average of dailyunique visitors and its number of pageviews over the past 3 months),following are top websites in India
Website | Category | Website | Category |
Search Engine | Social Media | ||
Youtube | Entertainment | Quora | Social Media |
Social Media | Sarkariresult | Competitive Exams | |
Yahoo | Search Engine | NDTV | News |
Amazon | E-commerce | Rediff | Lifestyle |
Flipkart | E-Commerce | Naukri | Job Search |
Hotstar | Entertainment | Social Media | |
IRCTC | Travel/Ticket Booking | Social Media | |
Cricbuzz | Sports | Book My Show | Events/Ticket Booking |
Indiatimes | News/Lifestyle | Manoramaonline | News |
How to select the Digital Advertising Option fitfor your business
Following are some of the pointersthat you can check for your advertising needs:
Abovementioned are some of thepopular digital media options. There are more than 1000 onlinemarketing options listed with The Media Ant. You can contact TheMedia Ant for a digital media plan based on your businessrequirements and budget.
Digital Advertising for Small Businesses
Digital Advertising is a good optionfor both first time advertisers and small businesses with lowerbudget. With internet marketing, advertisers have an option to testtheir market and optimize their campaigns in real time and thelearning from the online campaigns can be taken forward to offlinecampaigns as well. The real time tracking and ROI measurement makesonline advertising a preferred media option for Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs)
The Media Ant: A Digital Advertising Agency inIndia
The Media Ant is a Digitaladvertising agency having more than 1200 media options under digitaladvertising. We are a Premier Google Partner and we can help you setup your Google Search and Google Display campaigns and optimize themto be most economic. Not only Google Ad words, The Media Ant cansupport you as your digital advertising agency in placing youradvertisement with other self-serve platforms like Facebook,LinkedIn, Youtube and Quora. Apart from self-serve platforms, TheMedia Ant has partnered with all the popular websites, M-sites, Appsand Facebook Pages in India and can assure of the best digitaladvertising rates and discounts.
You can contact us for bestdiscounts and to execute your Digital advertising campaign eitheronline, by sending a mail to
Related Links
Following are links to most visitedDigital Advertising Pages:
To know more about the basics ofDigital Advertising, please visit
To know which Digital Media to usefor your business, please check the video: