Radio Advertising Cost
Ad Option | Rates | Place Ads |
Jingle | ₹ 16 - ₹ 86 | Book Now |
Radio Advertising
About FM Radio Advertising in India
FM Radio Advertising in India started with the launch of Radio City Bangalore, on July 3, 2001 as India's first private FM radio station. Hitherto, only All India Radio popularly known as AIR used to broadcast Radio content and Radio ads in India. Worldwide FM Radio advertising contributes to almost 10% of total marketing spends but in India Radio Advertising accounts for less than 5% of marketing spend.
Popular FM stations in India are Radio Mirchi, Radio One, Red FM, Radio Fever and FM AIR Rainbow. There are approximately more than 80 FM stations across cities in India. Large FM Radio markets are Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai.
Cost for advertising in FM Radio
FM Radio rate is quoted in terms of how much a 10 sec ad played once would cost on that particular radio station. FM Advertising cost varies from Rs 50 per 10 sec to as high as Rs 2,500 per 10 sec. The cost of FM advertising depends on the number of listeners and time band at which ads are played. FM stations in Metro like Radio Mirchi Delhi, Red FM Mumbai, Radio Fever Mumbai, Radio Indigo Bangalore, Radio City Hyderabad, Radio One Pune, Radio Suryan FM Chennai are few of the most popular FM stations in India both for listeners as well as advertisers.
FM Radio stations share the Radio advertising rate card. Depending on the volume of the advertising campaign, discounted FM radio advertising rates are then shared. Work with your radio advertising agency to help you get discounted rate for FM advertising. The Media Ant provides Best FM Radio advertising rate on the website. Please select the city and station of your choice to see the FM Radio Advertising Card Rate and also FM Radio Advertising best discounted rate.
List of time bands for advertising in FM Radio and their relative cost are:
Band Name | Explanation | Advertising Cost | |
1 | Morning Prime Time | Morning 7am - 12 noon | Premium charged |
2 | Evening Prime Time | Evening 5pm - 9pm | Premium charged |
3. | Afternoon band | 12 Noon to 5 pm | Normal Pricing |
The Media Ant - A Radio Advertising Agency
The Media Ant is a leading FM Radio advertising agency in India. We can help you advertise in FM Radio stations in Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Mumbai among other 80 cities where FM Radio advertising is possible. With an extensive tie up across all FM stations in India like Radio Mirchi, Red FM, AIR, Radio Fever, Radio Indigo, Suryan FM, Radio One among others, you can be assured of best FM Radio advertising rate when working with The Media Ant.
You can find the complete list of FM Stations in India with their card rate and best advertising offer rate online at The Media Ant. You can contact The Media Ant, the Radio advertising agency either through email or calling us at 80674-15510
We also help the FM Radio advertisers get their radio jingles recorded for free.
Advantages of advertising in FM Radio
FM Radio advertising has many advantages. Advertisers chose to advertise on FM Radio and is popular for the following reasons:
- FM Radio advertising has the advantage of local targeting. Through playing an ad on FM, one can reach out to a single city. For e.g: a brand wanting to target only Delhi NCR through FM Radio can pick only Radio Mirchi Delhi or Red FM Delhi
- FM Radio advertising helps reach a listener multiple times. As research suggests, a consumer needs to listen to an ad 4-5 times before he/she takes an action or forms an opinion. FM Radio advertising has a great advantage for high frequency marketing campaigns
- An FM advertiser can use multiple jingles in a single FM Radio advertising campaign
- FM Radio Advertising rate provides one of the lowest cost per reach
List of FM Radio Advertising options
Option | Explanation | |
1 | Jingle advertising | Most popular media option for FM Radio Advertising. Radio jingle is played which can be anywhere between 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Advertising rates for jingle is the lowest rate among all other radio advertising media options. |
2 | RJ Mention | A subtle form of FM Radio advertising, popular RJs talk about the brand on radio. FM Stations charge a premium for advertising on radio FM through RJ mentions |
3 | Sponsorship tag | Brands can sponsor a popular program on radio. FM Stations provide sponsorship tags for free as a part of the FM Radio advertising package. |
4 | Radio Contest | Brands can give away prizes to FM Radio listeners who participate in contests run by popular RJs on their radio shows. An interesting FM Radio advertising format which comes at a premium on regular FM radio advertising rate. |
5 | Time Check | Brands can sponsor time check on the FM Radio. An FM advertising format suitable for long term advertisers. |
6 | Studio Shift | Radio RJs can come and cover the event at advertiser location. This is one of the most expensive FM Radio advertisement option and radio stations charge a heavy premium on the regular card rate of FM Radio advertising. |
7 | Roadblock | Brands can choose to play only their ads for a given period of time. This FM advertising options give brands an opportunity to reach out in a non cluttered environment on Radio. As this is a premium advertising option on FM radio, advertisers pay a premium of regular FM radio advertising rate. |
Timeline for advertising in Radio
FM Radio advertising schedule is prepared every night for the next day. So if an advertiser can provide the jingle before 4 pm, the campaign can start the next day. FM Stations advertising department does not work on the weekends.
Proof of Execution of a FM Radio ad campaign
FM Radio stations provide the advertisers and the radio advertising agencies with a time schedule. The ad time schedule has the exact time at which ad would be played on the FM, and is made available to the advertiser in advance.
At the end of the campaign, FM stations provide a Radio ad broadcast certificate which acts as a proof of execution.
For RJ mentions and other FM advertising options, radio stations provide recordings on request.
Best Practices in FM Radio advertising
- Try to get your ad placed closer to the ad breaks in the radio program
- Select your advertising time band on FM Radio in line with your consumer’s listenership habit
- Use a mix of jingle length first to create impact and then to maintain continuity in a radio campaign
- Ask for FM advertising freebies such as mentions of brand by the RJ
- Do not buy at FM advertising rate card. Ask your radio agency for discounted rate
Frequently Asked questions (FAQ) about FM Radio advertising
I. What is RAM in context of Radio advertising in India ?
RAM starts for Radio Audience Meter and reports FM Radio listenership in India. This is a paid service. Not all stations participate in RAM survey.
II. How do I get listenership for a FM radio station?
Number of listeners for a particular radio stations is reported by RAM. This is a paid service and is available for free for 4 cities in India at E4M. You can check listenership data for FM stations in Delhi, FM stations in Bangalore, FM stations in Mumbai and FM stations in Kolkata.
III. How much does it cost to advertise on FM radio?
FM Radio advertising cost starts at Rs 30 per 10 sec and goes upto Rs 2,500 for a 10 sec ad. FM Radio advertising rate is always mentioned as cost for playing your 10 sec once on a FM station. You can get the complete list of FM Radio stations in India at The Media Ant.
IV. How much does it cost to run a 30 second radio ad?
Advertising rate for a 30 sec ad on a FM station would be three times that of the advertising rate card.
What is the meaning of radio spot?
Radio spot in FM Advertising parlance refers to the jingle that is played as an ad during the ad break.
V. How to give advertisement in FM Radio?
To give an ad in FM Radio stations try to reach out to a radio advertising agency. They will help you both with selecting the right FM channel to advertise as well as getting the best rate for FM advertising. The Media Ant by virtue of being a leading radio advertising agency with its offices in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, can provide the best planning support as well as best FM radio advertising rate.
VI. How can I get my Radio jingle recorded?
You can get your radio jingle recorded either through a professional studio or through the radio stations. Most radio advertising agencies help advertisers in getting their jingle recorded.
VII. How long should I advertise on FM Radio?
While there is no extend on maximum days, it is recommended to advertise on FM Radio at least for a week.
VIII. How do I create an effective FM radio ad?
To create an effective ad in radio, have an interesting story. Please remember that radio listening is a passive action and ad needs to be interesting for people to take notice. Offers are also used to make a radio ad interesting.
IX. Who are few of the popular RJs in FM Radio in India?
List of few popular RJs in India FM Radio stations:
RJ Name | Station | City | |
1 | RJ Naveed | Radio Mirchi | Delhi |
2 | Disha Oberoi | Red FM | Bangalore |
3 | Danish Seth | Radio Fever | Bangalore |
4 | RJ Jeeturaaj | Radio Mirchi | Mumbai |
5 | RJ Raunac | Red FM | Delhi |
6 | RJ Ajai | Red FM | Chennai |
7 | RJ Malishka | Red FM | Mumbai |
8 | RJ Soniya | Red FM | Pune |
9 | RJ Michelle | Radio Indigo | Bangalore |
10 | RJ Shiv | Radio City | Hyderabad |
11 | RJ Somak | Radio Mirchi | Kolkata |
12 | RJ Bobby | Radio Mango | Kochi |